Connections & Corrections

Our trusty Wikipedia states: Fate implies no choice, and ends fatally, with a death. Fate is an outcome determined by an outside agency acting upon a person or entity; but with destiny the entity is participating in achieving an outcome that is directly related to itself.

Destiny and Fate, Is there such thing?  Greek legends often school the pointlessness of attempting to outmaneuver an unchangeable outcome that has been correctly predicted, but old and new alike, where Destiny tells us what must come to pass I like to believe Fate is kinder, Fate helps us on our way, sometimes points us in the right directions, after all I do like to think all of our choices are our own.

Walking today, through the crowd of cattle* and people (*mindless zombie people) it suddenly dawned on me; I didn’t feel connected, drawn through some universal plot towards a destiny. I was however questioning, why we come into contact with those we do and just pass those we don’t, and how do we correlate so well, after all we all have different ideas on how the world works.

We meet certain people along the way, some we share little moments with, where with others we share more, refusing those that might helps us to be better, accepting those who take us down darker paths, is fate responsible?  If so, then the universal claim is that it’s responsible for all the pain, the loss, suffering and misgivings of the world, for all the dark.

A cycle already repeated by many generations in the past, half chances and choices that shape the world today.  Traits and fears passed down through words, spoken or written, through family or close ones, these questions asked since the beginning.  But shouldn’t we take each day in hand, go with not our heads but our hearts.*

Because if this is fate, then isn’t our destiny already written, where are we going and how fast are we moving towards a new world.  In any and each way, despite how young we all feel, were all limited to a certain number of planetary rotations.

I don’t believe in destiny, I’d like to believe in fate, simply in this wide world, I just feel we’re all just supposed to be connected

What we leave behind

Where do we come from?  Is the question even applicable anymore?

Geographically, ethnically, the birds and bees, what is our purpose and why are we here?

Humanity has spent the ages, looking for answers to our purpose, and if you’re looking to discover the purpose here you should know 1. You won’t and 2. Is it the point?

Each of us connected through a legacy woven by ancestors who shared with you this planet, a previous occupant living in your space, each sharing Birthdays, moments of loss, little smiles on Sunday afternoons and struggling through moral choices that we still find ourselves struggling with today.

For me,

1940’s Ireland, and a Man loves his wife, enough to bring a child into this world, a world at war, whilst on the other side of the globe another child stands in a country engulfed with all sorts of problems, that will shape and change a nation for generations to come, Thailand.  He ensures that he lives, that he eats well, works hard, and through time he makes a family, no longer caring for just himself but others.

Go back further and… The truth is I don’t really know.
I know bits, parts of history, letters of full words and dates that certainly don’t mean a thing.  Is it right to honour the gone with fractions of history in place, as its mine now to pass on.

So over the next couple of weeks I begin to piece together not just where I’m from but who I’m from, I encourage anyone that stumbles by here to do so, and share parts of your legacy.

It’s nice to know we each have something to hold on to, something to share with another, we meet along the way.

On a Complete side note:  

Giant Bunny